Today in History – September 20, 1965 – Capt. J. Reynes ejects from F-100 #563177
20 September 1965 – Capt J. Reynes was on a mission to discover the whereabouts of enemy troops. His F-100 was hit and Reynes ejected. He was recovered uninjured.
20 September 1965 – Capt J. Reynes was on a mission to discover the whereabouts of enemy troops. His F-100 was hit and Reynes ejected. He was recovered uninjured.
Dr. Ron Deyhle flew the F-100 with the 355th Tactical Fighter Squadron/31st Tactical Fighter Wing, Tuy Hoa AB, Vietnam in 1970. From 1970-1971 he was assigned to the 614th Tactical Fighter Squadron/35th Tactical Fighter Wing at Phan Rang AB, Vietnam.
Dr. Deyhle is an OB/GYN in Albuquerque, NM.
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