Today in History – September 20, 1965 – Capt. J. Reynes ejects from F-100 #563177
20 September 1965 – Capt J. Reynes was on a mission to discover the whereabouts of enemy troops. His F-100 was hit and Reynes ejected. He was recovered uninjured.
20 September 1965 – Capt J. Reynes was on a mission to discover the whereabouts of enemy troops. His F-100 was hit and Reynes ejected. He was recovered uninjured.
Jack Wayert was a commercial pilot with Delta Airlines, and Captain on 727,757,767, 777, L-1011, and MD-11 aircraft.
F-100 (750 hrs)
F-4 C/D
Military Education:
Civilian Education: