Today in History – August 24, 1954 – Pilot dies in F-84G accident ejecting as plane comes to stop.

24 August 1954 – “The pilot of an F-84G-25-RE Thunderjet, 52-3236, dies at the Eglin AFB, Florida base hospital at ~1130 hrs. of injuries sustained earlier in the day when he was ejected from the cockpit of the fighter-bomber as it rolled to a stop after landing at Eglin Auxiliary Field 6, Biancur Field.

The pilot, identified as Maj. Robert A. Krug, 32, of the 307th Strategic Fighter Squadron, 31st Strategic Fighter Wing, Turner Air Force Base at Albany, Georgia, resided in Albany but was originally from Reading, Pennsylvania. He is survived by his wife, Delores, and two sons, Lee, 1, and Robin, 3.

The Thunderjet was on a routine training mission. A board of qualified Air Force officers have been appointed to determine the cause of the accident.” (1)

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