30 April 1967 “On Monday, 11 MIGs were destroyed on the ground or in the air during attacks against two MIG airfields. It was the largest toll of enemy aircraft in a single day in the war so far. Navy pilots downed two of the jets and Air Force Pilots destroyed a third. Eight were destroyed on the ground…In a belated report, headquarters in Saigon disclosed three Thunderchiefs were lost over North Vietnam. Two were downed by MIG-21s. Four crew members are missing. (These are losses reported on 30 April: MAJOR LEO THORSNESS(POW); CAPTAIN HAROLD JOHNSON(POW); 1LT BOB ABBOTT(POW); and CAPTAIN JOE ABBOTT(POW)…)”
source: http://www.rollingthunderremembered.com/rolling-thunder-remembered-2-may-1967-rolling-thunder-56/
30 April 1969 Major R.C. Gibson is flying F-1ooD(#563075) out of Phu Cat with the 416th TFS when he is forced to eject after being hit by gunfire.
Gibson is injured and rescued by Army Helo.