12 January 1969 – 1Lt Robert “Cass” Cassaro (Misty 83) and Robert “Bullet Bob” Bryan (Misty 77) were serving with the 612TFS out of Phu Cat AB, Vietnam at the time. On a mission flying over Laos, F-100F #563995 was hit by gunfire. Cass and Bullet Bob ejected and were recovered.
Bob “Cass” Cassaro was born in Illinois in 1933. He served in the USAF as a pilot. While flying the F-100 as Misty 83 he was shot down on 12 January 1969 and rescued. Cass received the Silver Star and Distinguished Flying Cross for his bravery as a Misty FAC.
He flew full-time for the AZANG and after his Misty tour taught F-16 academics until his retirement. At the 162nd Fighter Weapons School, Cass, as Director of Training, “was responsible for the development of the most innovative training program we had ever seen.” His ideas became the data for the Tactical Training Manual for Low Altitude Flight (Miller, 1983, and revisions).” Cass “Headed West” on October 18, 2020.
Bob Bryan served a second tour flying F-4s at Korat RTAB.
He retired in 1989 as O-6. Bob’s second career was flying for United Parcel Service, where he was a captain of the DC-8, 767, and 757 in his 17-year career for UPS. He retired in 2002 and in 2007 moved to Emory, Texas where he passed away on 31 May 2015. (1)
Source: (1) MistyVietnam.com