Glenn was “One of a very few Brown Bar 2nd LT fighter pilots to show up in the 20th TFW “combat-ready so to speak”.
“At Tuy Hoa, I flew regularly with all five Squadrons (two Nat Guard and three AF Squadrons). I flew one (1) Misty Mission, 71 Laos Missions’ – got shot at a lot w/o result (!), the rest all routine in-country.
I got to see a lot of exotic & scenic spots like MuGia Pass, Xepon, Bat Lake, – came back from one mission overnighter in Thailand with little black night owls painted all over our 4 HUNs, by the F4 Night Owls – really p—ed off the DO.”
Glenn Ramsdale, Jr’s DFC reads: On 5 January 1969… Captain Ramsdale led a flight of three F-100’s against a large concentration of active hostile anti-aircraft sites. Under the pressure of adverse weather, intense anti-aircraft fire, and constant radio interference, Captain Ramsdale, with courage and determination, silenced one anti-aircraft site causing a large secondary explosion and killed an undetermined number of hostile soldiers. The outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Captain Ramsdale reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.