I hired on with American Airlines in 1969. During the last three years with American and two years afterward, I returned to college to get my Master of Divinity degree from Texas Christian University. I received my MDIV in 2001. I was ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church in June 2000.
I was then appointed to serve as pastor of the Holbrook and Winslow UMC in Arizona in June 2001. In June 2003 I was ordained an Elder. In June 2004 I was reappointed to St. James UMC in Tucson, AZ. I retired from full-time parish ministry in June of 2009.
In April 2004 I was sworn in as an Arizona Department of Public Safety Volunteer Chaplain. In Sept. of 2009, I was appointed as a Volunteer Chaplain with the Minnesota State Patrol in Detroit Lakes, MN. I still hold a position as Chaplain with both of those jurisdictions. We now spend our winters in Corona, Arizona, and our summers in Detroit Lakes, MN.