HURT HUNS… by Capt Hedley N. Mendez Ill, USAF MC, Chief, Flight Medicine, USAF Regional Hospital, Langley AFB, VA
“The airline technical instructor was demonstrating to students the proper techniques for taxiing a DC-10. As the DC-10 made a 90-degree right turn out of its parking place, the left wing struck the vertical stabilizers of five, I say again, five F-100s parked in a designated and proper parking area. The DC-10 was thirty feet to the left of a clearly marked taxi line which had been painted on the ramp by the airline company specifically for the DC-10.
The crew aboard the airliner did not know they had struck the Huns until an alert ground crewman ran to an office and telephoned the tower to inform the DC-10 crew. Once informed, the crew immediately returned to the parking area. Only minor creases and scratches were found on the DC-10. It was a different story with the F-100s. Two aircraft will require complete replacement of the vertical stabilizers and the three remaining aircraft will require replacement of the vertical stabilizer tip.
It was not stated, but one must assume that the airline technical instructor’s taxi technique will undergo some kind of a modification.”