9 November 1968 – Capt Roger E Wichman was flying F-100D #563446 over SVN when his mission was aborted due to weather conditions. On his return to base, Wichman’s aircraft was hit by gunfire and he ejected. Some reports say that he was killed when he was hit by his ejection seat. His body was recovered.
Roger had been serving with the 7th Air Force, 35th Tactical Fighter Wing, 615th Tactical Fighter Squadron, and was from Dayton, OH. Captain Wichman graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1959, receiving his reserve commission at that time. He also attended Ohio State University.
In 1965, he received his F-100 combat training at Luke AFB, Arizona. He served at Wright-Patterson AFB prior to his assignment in Vietnam. Once he had completed his tour in RVN, he was to be scheduled for an assignment at Cannon AFB, New Mexico.
Sources: TogetherWeServed and TheWallofFaces and Dewey’s list