Captains Connie Engel, Kathy La Sauce, Mary Donahue, Susan Rogers and Christine Schott; First Lieutenants Sandra Scott and Victoria Crawford; Second Lieutenants Mary Livingston, Carol Scherer and Kathleen Rambo graduate Pilot Undergraduate Training Class 77-08 at Williams AFB, AZ. They trained on a Northrop T-38A-50-NO Talon.
Today in History – September 30, 1950 – 1st Congress of the IAF (international Aeronautic Federation) in Paris. (1)
30 September 1950 – The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) was founded in 1951, when scientists from the field of space research gathered in an attempt to ensure a constant dialogue between the space nations, regardless of political turmoil. In its early years, the Federation and its annual International Astronautical Congresses – better known as the