Dick Meyer attended F-100 pilot and combat crew training from 1960-1962. He was then assigned to the 492nd Tactical Fighter Squadron/48th Tactical Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath, UK until 1966. From 1966-1967 he flew the Hun with the 416th Tactical Fighter Squadron/3,37TFW out of Bien Hoa AB and Phu Cat airbases in Vietnam.
From 6/15/1967 to November 7, 1967, Dick was “Misty 6” with the famous Misty FACs.
He went on to fly the F-100 with the 426th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron/4510th Combat Crew Training Squadron, the 4515th Combat Crew Training Squadron/58th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, al out of Luke AFB, AZ.
After retirement from the USAF, Dick built the B-1 and B-2 bombers and retired again. (1)
(1) Source: Biographies | MISTY FACs (mistyvietnam.com)http://mistyvietnam.com/the-men/biographies-2/
In 1971, Dick Meyer transitioned to the F-111.