13 January 1965 – Capt. C. L. Ferguson was on a mission over Laos when his F-100 was hit by 37mm AAA. He ejected and was recovered uninjured.
Two years later on 13 January 1967, Capt Morvan Darrell Turley was flying F-100D #563431 on a mission to drop napalm on VietCong structures. Turley had been serving with the 352TFS out of Phan Rang. SSS Member Col P.J. White remembers seeing Turley’s F-100 crash in a fireball. Nine months later, the wreckage of the F-100 aircraft was found and Captain Turley was brought home to his family for burial on October 23, 1967.
Captain Turley is honored on the Vietnam Memorial Wall 14E025.