Dick Rutan reminded us that “35 years ago today, December 23, the Voyager completed the first non-stop, non-refuel flight round the world 9 days 3 minutes 44 seconds. Distance 26,358 SM. Flown by a sh*t hot Hun Jock.

Wikipedia’s entry on the Dick Rutan page says…. From December 14 to December 23, 1986, Rutan flew with Jeana Yeager on the first unrefueled non-stop flight around the world in the Rutan Voyager, a design by his brother Burt. The flight took 9 days, 3 minutes, and 44 seconds and covered 24,986 miles (40,211 km). It attracted worldwide media coverage and set multiple records. That same year, Yeager and the Rutan brothers were awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Aero Club, the Presidential Citizens Medal from President Ronald Reagan, and the Collier Trophy for their achievement.
Well done, Dick!
(The asterisk is mine – MB)