Much has been written about the war – who won, who lost; whether we should have been there at all. We tried to stop the supplies coming south; we supported our troops on the ground; we fought with and for our South Vietnamese allies. We did it day and night in all kinds of weather. We dodged missiles and MiGs and AAA and operated with our hands often tied by senseless restrictions and bombing halts. Some of us suffered as POWs. Some of us didn’t return at all leaving wives and families as the detritus of war. One thing we can all say for sure – from those of us who were there – WE TRIED OUR BEST – GOD BLESS those who didn’t return. GOD BLESS their families and GOD BLESS AMERICA – we few, we happy few, we band of brothers – from the Super Sabre Society
Today in History – March 12, 1967 and 1971 – 1Lt Joe Adrian and 1LT Clive Jeffs both MIA
Two F-100 pilots lost 4 years apart. On this day in 1967, 1st Lieutenant Joseph Daniel “Joe” Adrian flying F-100D #55-3611 was on a night scramble from the Tuy Hoa Runway, Phu Yen Province, South Vietnam. About six miles from the end of the runway over the South China Sea, his aircraft crashed. First Lieutenant